Headaches: Very Common, But Not Normal!

Headaches are so common that they are almost an accepted part of day-to-day life. However, we’re here to let you know that whilst headaches are very common, they are not normal!


You probably remember your chiropractor asking you “do you get headaches?”. A common response to this question is, “Yes, but just my normal ones”.

 headache head pain chiropractic

Headaches are so common that they are almost an accepted part of day-to-day life. However, we’re here to let you know that whilst headaches are very common, they are not normal.


You shouldn’t get headaches sitting at the computer.

You shouldn’t get a headache just before your period.

You shouldn’t get a headache by the end of the work week.

You shouldn’t get a headache after working out.

You most certainly should not get your “normal daily or weekly headache”.


A subset of headaches can come from pathological causes – always make sure to mention headaches to your chiropractor, so they can rule out serious problems!


Most primary headaches fall under one of the following three categories. These can respond well to chiropractic care.


  1. Cervicogenic headache: this is the type of headache that starts on one side of the neck or base of the head and progresses up and into the head. It is commonly due to dysfunction of the bones and muscles of the neck, and responds very well to chiropractic care. Common causes of this type of headache is poor posture, poor desk ergonomics, or poor neck function.


  1. Tension-type headaches: this headache typically feels like a “band” of dull aching with occasional sharper pain wrapping around the head, and often comes with pressure behind the eyes. It is commonly worsened by stress, but can also come on due to poor posture – think end-of-the-working-week looming-deadlines headache! It can be associated with jaw tension, tight shoulders and neck stiffness, and can affect sleep. A third of men and almost half of all women get this headache! It can be common in teenagers and affects focus and ability to socialise, so get checked sooner rather than later.


  1. Migraine: there are several different categories of migraine, ranging from a slow-onset one sided moderate throbbing headache, to sudden onset nausea, dizziness and severe pain meaning the person has to lie in a dark room until it is over. Migraines can be highly debilitating, and disproportionately affect women. Research and clinical experience show that they can respond very well to chiropractic care!


Do these types of headache sound like you, or one of your family or friends?

Call our office 08 9371 7633 for a check-up or initial consultation and speak to your chiropractor about headaches. We can help!